My skate brother and Small Beating overlord Chad Jackson lays down a tasty smith on the terror that is the Small Beating garage ramp. Most of the transitions are like the shallow end of a backyard pool and I've got the torn rotator cuff as proof. Small Beating is back. After some serious jerking around by the wood shop, the first batch of decks are in hand. Skate and Annoy did a really nice piece a while ago on the relaunch. More photos of the insane Small Beating ramp at The Skateboard Archive.
Todd Swank is not stoked!
I don't know if they are gonna do direct sales. Their stuff will be available soon from places like SoCal, Tail Tap, etc. Send them a message for the latest info. -Jason
Where is this ramp? -Walnut Creeker
Not telling!
Next batch of decks will be pressed at PS Stix and silk screened (not heat transferred!) at Screaming Sqeegees. Keep an eye on the Small Beating site.
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